
adidas Crazy BYW X Wall Way Sneakers EE9059


SKU: adidas Crazy BYW X Wall Way Sneakers EE9059

adidas Crazy BYW X Wall Way Sneakers EE9059 Men's sportswear and shoes

Categories:Men's sportswear and shoes/Men's sneakers

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The adidas Crazy BYW X Wall Way model was first noticed during Wall's game against the Detroit Pistons in March 2018. The sneaker features a predominantly black knit upper with orange, pink and white detailing sitting atop a multi-colored BOOST midsole. The specific color palette is inspired by the lifestyle of John Wall. "Wall Way" and "Five Deep" are embroidered in large white letters on the lateral sides, while "Just a Kid from Raleigh" appears in orange on the white leather heel.

  • Colors: Core Black/Footwear White/ Orange
  • Article: EE9059
  • Category: Basketball
  • Designer: –
  • Technologies: Boost
  • Release date: December 1, 2018
  • Materials: suede, rubber, foam, textile, Primeknit

Tag:Basketballadidasadidas Crazy BYW