
adidas Forum Low Triple White Sneakers FY7755


SKU: adidas Forum Low Triple White Sneakers FY7755

adidas Forum Low Triple White Sneakers FY7755 Men's sportswear and shoes

Categories:Men's sportswear and shoes/Men's sneakers

It's not just a shoe, it's a statement. adidas Forum burst onto the scene in '84 and gained a lot of love both on the court and in the music industry. This pair of classic sneakers takes us back to the '80s, bringing back the explosive energy and iconic design with a removable ankle strap, while also turning them into a low-top version designed for the streets.

  • Colors: Cloud White/Cloud White/Cloud White
  • Article: FY7755
  • Category: Lifestyle
  • Release date: March 2, 2021
  • Materials: rubber, leather, textiles

Tag:Lifestyleadidasadidas Forum