
adidas X9000L4 Triple Black sneakers S23667


SKU: adidas X9000L4 Triple Black sneakers S23667

adidas X9000L4 Triple Black sneakers S23667 Men's sportswear and shoes

Categories:Men's sportswear and shoes/Men's sneakers

The world is your gym. These adidas running shoes are designed for urban athletes who turn parks into gyms and use group runs to socialize. The knit upper adapts to the shape of your foot and provides support where you need it most. Boost midsole returns the energy of every step.

  • Colors: Core Black/Core Black/Core Black
  • SKU: S23667
  • Technology: Boost
  • Category: Running
  • Release date: June 1, 2021
  • Materials: rubber, leather, suede

Tag:adidas BoostRunningadidasadidas X9000L4