
Chinatown Market x Chuck 70 High UV Sneakers 166598C


SKU: Chinatown Market x Chuck 70 High UV Sneakers 166598C

Chinatown Market x Chuck 70 High UV Sneakers 166598C Men's sportswear and shoes

Categories:Men's sportswear and shoes/Men's sneakers

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Disclaimer: Color change is activated at U.V. illumination and depends on environmental conditions. After 8 hours of exposure, the color no longer changes and cannot be returned to its original state. Due to the unique nature of this sneaker, the final color may vary from the original color.

In a unique collaboration with Los Angeles streetwear retailer Chinatown Market, the Converse Chinatown Market x Chuck 70 High "UV" has arrived. Released in June 2019, these high-tops feature UV-sensitive panels. The alternating white, green and pink panels reveal a subtle clean white hue when alone, but when exposed to light the special material changes to hot pink, purple and orange.

Check out detailed photos and order this Chinatown Market x Chuck 70 colorway High UV in retail stores orservice Slamdunk

  • Colors: White/Egret-White
  • Article: 166598C
  • Category: Lifestyle
  • Designer: Marquis Mills
  • Release date: July 20, 2019
  • Materials: rubber, leather, textiles

Tag:Converse Chuck 70LifestyleMarquis Mills