
Nike Air More Uptempo Chinese New Year Sneakers 20858


SKU: Nike Air More Uptempo Chinese New Year Sneakers 20858

Nike Air More Uptempo Chinese New Year Sneakers 20858 Men's sportswear and shoes

Categories:Men's sportswear and shoes/Men's sneakers

This is a custom version from The Remade, teamed up with K. YEE. - founder of the Yes Music label and the YEENJOY Studio design studio (they create handmade crafts).

The sneakers are made in traditional national colors, red and yellow. The classic "AIR" symbol has been replaced with "CNY" in honor of the holiday, reflective at that. They are not just good, they are extraordinarily good. The sneakers are made of Italian leather. Fits the foot perfectly. The national theme is clearly visible on the back, in the form of the Chinese five-star logo, the same one that is located on the flag of the People's Republic of China.

  • Colors: Red\White-Gold
  • Style: Custom
  • Release date: December 26, 2017
  • Materials: Italian calf leather, Italian sheepskin, copper buckles, rubber, reflective materials

Tag:RemadeNike Air More Uptempo